2009 – Ontwerp Platform Arnhem (OPA)
Format: Poster
Foundation Design Platform Arnhem (OPA) aims to promote and professionalize the regional design environment from a cultural, economic and social perspective.
The exhibition ‘Tangible Traces’ questions how Design and Architecture gain significance in a world prevailed by globalization, standardization and commercialization. The unifying factor in their work is the “Dutch concept of design” which is known for it’s quality, craftsmanship, tradition, structure and sobriety. With works by Hella Jongerius, Claudy Jongstra, Alexander van Slobbe, Studio Onix and Frank Havermans.
The poster shows traces of the design proces with different layers, these traces also form a christmas tree for the celebration by OPA.
Published in ‘Op maat gemaakt’, a book with a collection of 5,5 year of OPA posters.